This admin panel uses a MySQL relational database, but PHP CRUD Generator works just as well with MariaDB, Oracle, Firebird and PostgreSQL databases.
PHPCG uses the SAKILA Database, which is provided with the package for demo purposes.
The SAKILA database is composed of many different types of fields, internal, external, one-to-one, one-to-many relationships, and thus allows in-depth testing of the functionalities offered by PHPCG.
The different tables have been grouped into 3 categories: Customer Data, Inventory and Business.
The various read lists will give you an overview of the power of PHPCG.
They have all been generated natively, without any customization and include:
The ADD/EDIT/REMOVE forms are also generated using only native PHPCG features and use the best jQuery plugins for a better user experience.
In real life, all this is protected by the authentication and rights/profile management module.
Access to data can be limited for each user: choice of accessible data, authorization to add, modify or delete data.
Each user's access can very simply be limited to their own records.
The dashboard admin is using Bootstrap 5, jQuery and Symphony's TWIG template engine.
Forms are built with PHP Form Builder (which is included in the package), a powerful form generator. This makes it easy to customize your forms if you need some specific functionalities. All security, real-time validation and server-side are integrated.
Source code examples of the admin dashboard lists and forms are available here in the CRUD documentation.
The generator offers many features and options, not all of which are shown in this demo:
The Sakila Database illustrates how PHPCG is able to recognize different relationships between tables. This tutorial explains the basics of relational databases logic: direct and indirect relations, one-to-many and many-to-many relations.
As your project evolves, when you create new tables, new fields, or modify in one way or another the existing structure, you just have to update your modifications from the CRUD Generator, then restart the generation of your pages to report your changes in your admin dashboard. Your project is perfectly scalable, the generator keeps all your data and preferences.
For any question, information, do not hesitate to contact us by chat on this website or email. ..
Customise the theme and navigation bars